Large Magnetic Two Colour Double-Sided Counters Set of 50pc (4cm)

  • Product Code: TEB6063
  • Availability:
  • S$49.90



Set of 50 double-sided bi-colour magnetic counters, with yellow on one side and red on the reverse. Each counter measures 4cm. These two-coloured magnetic counters are an ideal resource for all sorts of mathematical activities, especially for addition and subtraction.

Other options are multiplication by placing the counters in a grid (for instance 3 x 3 = 9) or use them to create a bar graph. The double-sided counters can also be used for more advanced addition and subtraction. The two colours can represent positive or negative numbers. Show that positive 3 (the yellow counters) + negative 2 (the red counters) equals 1.

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Tags: bi-colour, double-sided, magnetic counters, counting chips, red-yellow, , red and yellow, colour coins, magnetic chips